Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday and Wednesday

Like I promised, here is what I cooked for dinner on Monday:

On Tuesday, I went to class, had lunch at the cafeteria:

It was so yummy! There was zucchini with like a meatloaf on top that was very good.
After lunch, I came home, did some studying and drank some hot tea, and then hung out with friends later in the night. I was tired and had to rest so I went to sleep as soon as I could (a visitor would not leave the room because he had a lot to talk about).

Today, I woke up and it was raining! I went to class and worked on our final presentation that we have on Friday. We had a coffee break because they do that in Italy, and me being a true American got hot chocolate. It was amazing! After the second part of class was finished, guess what we did people? WE ATE LUNCH! 

This time I tried soup and again, just like everything else here, it was delicious. They also had a fried mozzarella which I had to get. After lunch I hung out with my friends Michelle and Hayley, then went home, rested, and then went out to an aperitivo, it was Mexican themed and IT WAS FREE! 

See how happy we are that it is free!
I finally got home, blogged a little for you all, and now am going to sleep! Night everyone! Wish me luck on my final on Friday, I will be studying all day tomorrow. 

"Hard work never seems to fail."

<3 Lauren

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