Saturday, September 1, 2012

Packing Up and Saying Goodbye

Ciao tutti! (that means hi everyone)

I have been packing up for the last 2 weeks (what a mess that has been), and today is the last day I have until I get on the plane for Italy! It is really starting to sink in that I will not be in the US let alone home for 4 months. It started to hit me as I was calling people to say goodbye and hugging the ones I love. It truly is an amazing realization to know that I have so many people supporting me, thinking about me, and most of all loving me. That is why I know saying goodbye to my family tomorrow is going to be very difficult, but at the same time, these next 4 months are going to be the journey of  a lifetime. New friends will be met, new experiences will be revealed, new lessons learned, and for sure new tears will be shed. I have shed so many already, not only sad tears but happy ones too! 

A couple of days ago, these arrived on my door step, and I was so happy to see them. I first of all couldn't believe they were for me, but second of all I couldn't believe that I was lucky enough to have a boyfriend who would send me 2 dozen roses. I of course was tearing up, but also smiling unconditionally!

I also recently said bye to my cousin, who crocheted me (Becca you would love this) a beautiful key holder that I will take with me everywhere I go, so I will always be thinking about her! I wish she could come on this trip with me because she is just an all around great person, and pretty much like a sister to me! And Matthew, her son, is too cute because he was telling me how I am going to eat so much pizza and pasta in Italy. I guess he knows me too well, he knows my love of food and how food always cheers me up!

Anyway, that was just a little snid bit about my last couple of days and the goodbyes that I will be saying and have said! I guess its time for me to continue my packing spree, word of advice, if you go somewhere for a while, pack way in advance. Even though I made a packing list, I somehow still seem to be stuffing things I "think" I may need when abroad, and let me tell you I am anxious to see if I will make the weight limit of 50 pounds or not because I weighed it a couple 20 times, and the range was from 49.4-52 lbs. I will let you all know if it works! (It mainly is getting heavier because Marcie has influenced me to buy clothes when we went shopping that I told her I cannot take with me because I do not need more than I have) lol

I want to thank everyone for being such a great support system in my life, and I hope you continue to read my blog about my adventures in Italy! Arrivederci!

"There is a sacredness in tears, they are not the mark of weakness but of power. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and of unspeakable love."
<3 Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Uh rude, you love the clothing I influenced you into buying haha...gonna miss ya sista <3
