Monday, September 17, 2012

Andy Steves, You Know...Rick Steves Son

Today I had class, and I cannot believe it is over this Friday! I have learned so much and so little all at the same time! I have a cold or allergies, I am not sure which, so the second part of class was really hard for me to focus because I felt so tired and drained, but it finally ended and I went to lunch. After that, a couple friends and I went to go see Andy Steves (travel guide /book writer Rick Steves son) talk about how to make the most of your time abroad and how to do it safely and inexpensively. It was a good presentation and very informative and we even got a picture with him after!

He is pretty tall or maybe Michelle and I are just really short?

After that, I got home and did some procrastinating and some thinking, and then made some yummy dinne. How did I know it was yummy you ask? I don't considering I cannot taste since my nose is soooo stuffed, but it looked great and everyone said it smelt amazing, and the little parts that I did taste were delicious!

It was a mini garlic bread pizzas with onions, zucchini and garlic!
After that I watched a show, drank echinacea tea (thanks tess for showing me this magical invention), talked with my whole family which was nice to hear their voices on this new year, and then skyped with Michele! YAY! I cannot wait for her to come visit, it has been way too long since I saw her last and it is not acceptable considering we usually spend 8 out of 12 months together at school.

Anyway, I should sleep to get rid of this cold. Goodnight and sweet dreams, and let me know if you ever want more or less details about what I am up to, suggestions on how to make my blog more exciting are always welcome!!

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. "

Buona Notte,
<3 Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks and sounds fantastic in your blog. Can't wait to hear that your cold has cleared up. Lake Como seems really special and having your new friends must have made it fun!!!
    Miss and love you. Good luck with finishing your Immersion class and the final!!
