Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Today was orientation at UCSC. My roomie and I left early to try and figure out the metro subways. Again surprisingly, it was simple, I think all the times I took the T in Boston with Erik really helped me with figuring it out here! So we got to our stop at the university, but we didnt know where to go from there, so we followed kids who were on my flight the day before. We followed them all the way to the main campus! And guess what, we did a lap around the whole quad, and finally found someone who spoke english and we found out we were not supposed to be there, but at the international campus which was like 3 minutes from there. So we rushed over there thinking we were late for the 9 am registration only to find out that it started at 930. So we sat outside in the quad area there and met a girl named Lissy. She was from Germany, and was so nice! We finally got to go in the room, but if I only knew what was coming next, I would not have rushed over there. We got bombarded with papers and information and student clubs and this and that. Anyway, we had a buffet lunch with a lot of people in a small room, but hey, it was managable. I had my first pizza in Italy there! I woulnt say that it was one I should compare others to, but it was still food and we all know i love that.
This was at the buffet!
We then toured around the main campus which I had seen already earlier in the day, but it was even more beautiful the second time I saw it. Here are some pics to show you what I mean:
The main entrance to the school.

The quad! They say that superstition says if you walk straight across the path, you will never pass a test again! How silly, but I sure dont wanna be the one to try to break "the curse" 

More of the quad, there are 2 of these, side by side. The grass is so green and cut!

Beautiful glass window near the bar, yes thats right, there is a bar on campus where they serve every type of baked good out there and of course wine and beer

Finally, this is out on the road near one of the libraries and the cafeteria!

After the tour, we got back to the international building and met with a person who tested my italian speaking abilities, sorry Tess, but if it were a test, I failed it, haha, I am put in the absolute beginners Italian class, right where I should be. Finally, we left the school around 4 and got home to plop all our stuff down and sit. We later went to get dinner on Buenos Aires street at a cafe! I got pasta bolognese (dad, I was thinking about you the whole time knowing you would order this if you were with me), look at it!! It was molto bene!

I got back to the room stuffed, and then decided to go out with my friends to an ESEG trip (they set up things for us exchange and international students at discounted prices). We met up and walked to Just Cavalli which is an aperitivo made by a famous Italain designer! We got in, 2 drinks, and food all for ten euro.

We were having a really nice time talking and hanging out! I met some new friends who are so nice!

Hayley (who I knew from my pick up from the airport), Saliema (her roomie), and me!

So, here was where I had my first European drink, we named it "the hayley" because well long story, but it was delicious. It was a pomegranite, fruity drink. Here it is:

So as we were chatting , the sky started to light up, and silly me, I thought it was a flash going off on a camera, but I was very wrong. It was lightning and the next thing you know we were jetting out of there and somehow runnning in the pouring rain to try to get to the train station. That was a fun adventure, and we got soaked. 

But I made it home with time to spare to blog for you all, and now I am off to sleep! Love and miss you all!

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

<3 Lauren

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