Thursday, September 6, 2012

Starting my Italian Language Course

Quick version of my day so you all dont have to spend too much time reading but you can look at pretty we go:

1. italian language and culture class (so fun, like it a lot)

view from my classroom!!

a quad/sitting area outside my school building

2. lunch in school cafeteria

gnocchi ragu (bolognese), string beans, peppers (michele, thought of you!), nectarine (so good and delicious), and red wine (which was gross)

3. permit of stay papers sent in at the post office!
4. discovered a park (public gardens)

look Becca! you have one of these in your backyard, and this park has one lol

beautiful, but stinky water

Michele, is this the horse I am going to ride tomorrow through the town??? haha

that tree is like in the rock

stairs of hell, you can break your ankle on probably every step

a water fountain for the dogs! how cute! italians love their dogs!

I was bad and had dessert before dinner (its a tradition for michele and I) :P but yummy pistachio and straccatella gelato

And finally dinner!! Insalata con formaggio, pomodoro, mais, oliva, y pesce! Thats salad with cheese, tomato, corn, olives, and tuna! There was a hint of olive oil and salt and some lemon also!! And the traditional pesche (peach) juice!

After the long day, I tried to fix our internet with the help of Erik but it did not work, so I gave up. UGH! why do the directions have to be in Italian!? 

Anyway, I have class again tomorrow and I am planning a trip to Cinque Terre (the 5 lands) on Saturday so that I can swim in the Mediterranean! YAY!

Night, hope you all enjoy the change in blogging and all the pics! Love, hugs, and kisses being sent your way :)

"The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude."

Buona Sera
<3 Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes that's the horse you were suppose to ride!!
    You sound like you are doing great over there. I'm so proud of you, you make me want to stop doing homework and go travel around!
    Love you tons
