Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hump Day aka Wednesday

So today was pretty uneventful. I had my morning language class along with an afternoon one today because that extra class allows us to bring back 3 credits to our home university. So nothing tooo exciting but in between my morning and afternoon class, we grabbed some lunch and it was the best lunch I have had so far! Check it out:

I got pesto pasta (YUM), a stew with chicken peas and potatoes (extra yum), cauliflower, bread, juice, and plums! Ah, my stomach has never been so happppyyyy! :)

Anyway, we finished up with class and it was pouring outside, so we ran to the metro, got home, and I did some stuff on the computer and ate dinner. I had my leftover salad from last night and I made some pizza on a roll.
Later on, Rachael and I got some gelato. I got stracciatella and chocolate! We then got home, I did a workout and showered, and now am going to sleep! 
See, nothing too eventful! So don't worry, you guys didn't miss out on too much! Just some great food and ice cream, but you can get that in the states!

"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

<3 Lauren

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