Friday, September 14, 2012

Back in Action

Sorry about the temporary pause of my blog, but the person who should really be apologizing to all you faithful followers is GOOGLE! They thought my blog was a spam blog and shut it down until I sent them a request to review it so that they could see it is NOT spam. I mean, sure, my writing is not thatttt great, but I wouldn't consider it spam! Thanks a lot google, making me feel real confident about my writing and blogging skills. ANYWHO, enough about silly little Google corporation, I got a lot to say and fill you in on and only a little time!

Thursday: Yesterday I went to class, during coffee break my friends and i went out to the beautiful courtyard behind our school:

They are so adorable and tired :P

Then after class, we ate lunch (of course):

It was delicious and it was my first time have fries in Italy!! And the cantaloupe was sooo sooo good.

Sorry, enough about food, it just seems to be a re-occurrence here. After lunch, Adrienne and I went to Navigli (Pt. Genova). It is a town where there is a long canal in the middle of the road and there are many shops on the road to shop in. Here are some pictures so you can understand what I mean:

It was so amazing to see this, even though many of the stores were somewhat expensive, there were other things like restaurants, cafes, book stores, and even crepe making places!! YUM!

This was a cool book store that we stumbled upon, of course all the books were in Italian, but it had the old fashion look to it that I find really intriguing. 

Here I am, very happy to be outside on such a beautiful day in such a beautiful place!
And thanks mom for getting me that shirt I am wearing, I love it!!

We were heading back to the metro station to go home when I saw this tent full of some cheap, but really nice clothing, so I stopped to just check it out. Little did I know that I would be walking out of it with 5 , I repeat FIVE dresses! But they were all the beautiful and CHEAP! And we all know I only shop when there is a bargain, and my roomies will tell you that I did well. I got all 5 dresses for 32 euro!! That's $8.00 each in US dollars! And these are some nice dresses, so next time I wear them I will be sure to take a picture for you all to see. But don't worry, all 5 aren't just for me, so who knows, maybe you will be receiving a surprise when I return home!?

We finally got home and we hung out for a little, and then Adrienne, Rachael and I went to go eat at a sit down restaurant where we had our first real pizza!! We got a 4 cheese pizza and a calzone!

It was all delicious and we were all stuffed!

We got home, talked alot and then off to sleep we went.

Now today (Friday), I had class which was fun because we played some games to practice our Italian skills, then we got lunch:

It is a seafood pasta, that's right people, I Lauren Schlanger tried a seafood dish. It wasn't too fishy which was nice, but to say the least, it wasn't my favorite pasta dish I have had here..but I am trying to remain open and adventurous to new foods (Becca your dad would be happy). There was also zucchini (my favorite) and a omelet type thing. On Fridays, they do not serve meat at the cafeteria, so most of the stuff was fish or egg or potato based. 

After that, we walked to a station that was farther than the one we usually get on to get some exercise. I got home exhausted, so I took a quick nap and then my last roomie finally got here! Her name is Marissa, and she goes to UVM and we had talked previous to this trip but I hadn't actually met her face to face. She is such a sweet girl and I am really happy to have someone else from UVM here with me. Its like a little piece of home and sanity as well to have a fellow Vermonter here! Yay, I am excited to get to know everyone a little better!

I showed Marissa where the grocery store was and we picked up some food. We got home made dinner, and ate. I made pasta with garlic, red sauce, cheese and peas. It was delish.

I didn't know which picture to put up so I thought I would indulge you in two instead! After dinner, we all sat together and did some research on traveling to the places we were hoping to get to, but we were all tired and semi-confused, so we are going to continue our quest tomorrow as well. Finally, I am here and now, sitting on my bed writing to you all and hoping that everything is good back in the states. We are going to a flea market tomorrow, so I am excited to get some fresh fruit and veggies as well as a pair of boots possibly if they are not too expensive...but remember don't worry about me because I only bargain shop and Marissa and I have a pact to not let each other get everything we see or like. So goodnight all and you will be hearing from me again tomorrow now that Google knows I am the real deal! 

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. "

Buona Notte,
<3 Lauren

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