Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flea Market, Where Have You Been All My Life??

This morning we woke up early to get to the flea market that we heard about that happens every Saturday by my university...but we didn't end up leaving the house until about 11 which was perfect anyway because we found out that the flea market is literally ALL day. I could not believe my eyes, I have seen flea markets before, but this was something else!! There were probably 4 blocks of tents filled with clothes, scarfs, shoes, jewelry, jackets, etc. There was even underwear for 1 euro! :P It was quite overwhelming and exciting.

But by far, the best part of this flea market was the food!! There were two blocks filled with fruit, nuts, meat, fish, herbs, dried fruit, again..literally everything you can imagine! I was in absolute heaven! Here take a look:

So the tough part about this shopping attempt was that Italians measure everything in kilos, and I have not learned how to say measurements in Italian, so it was tough telling the people what you wanted, but they were sooo nice about it once they realized we could not speak Italian and they helped with everything. I would point to some of the things and say a number and they would understand that I wanted that amount not that amount in kilos. I got 5 peaches (of course, I think I am addicted), grapes, 3 zucchinis, about 10 onions, 2 cantaloupes, and Marissa got tomatoes that she said we could share! And guess how much it all was? 8 EURO! I couldn't believe it, and I told myself I am coming back here every Saturday and bringing only 10 euro, and seeing what I can get. I also will learn my measurements for next time because I did not get olives or nuts since I did not know how to say 1/4 or 1/2 kilo! I probably could go on and on about this discovery that we made today, but you all would just be annoyed, but once you experience the craziness of Italians pushing and shoving, the many colors that you are presented with, and people speaking this weird language, you will just be absolutely amazed and IN LOVE!

So after that, I had about 4 bags that probably weighed like 10 pounds, so we got home and put it all away. Marissa and I stayed in and researched flights and prices for the trips we want to take this semester, and as overwhelming as it was trying to search for flights and hostels and bargains, it was so amazing to see all the places we could go to in such a short time and on such a small budget. We did book one trip, and it will be to....wait for it......BELGIUM! Marissa and I decided to go out on a whim and go to Brussels and maybe eat some waffles! Is that right? Or am I being stereotypical, going to Belgium for waffles? I don't know, but I know it will be a great time, and the flight round trip was only $50! Nothing like it is in the states to fly. Teh other places we are planning on traveling to are: Seville, Spain, Florence, Denmark, Germany, and possibly Switzerland, Lyon, and Naples!

It was getting late, and my stomach was being funky so I made some eggs and had an apple with it. A light, but good dinner!

OH my gosh! I almost forgot, after all the flea market shopping, we were starving so we went to a little bakery and I got a margherita pizza, and it was delicious. SOO mouth-watering, and the good thing/also bad thing is that it is a block away from my school!!

This was the last piece I had left because I forgot to take a picture before I devoured it all down, OOPS. Sorry!

So after that Adrienne and I did a workout, I showered, watched a show, and now I am going to sleep because we are going to Clooneyland tomorrow, aka Lake Como!! So goodnight and sweet dreams! Love you all and happy new year to my friends and family!

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been” 
<3 Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, it is great to see that you are doing well and experiencing many wonderful things. Of course I noticed the food based theme. Don't listen to Google, your writing is very mature with lots of details and fun stories and I love the pictures (especially the ones of you). You always include family or friends and we are truly grateful for that. The Duomo looks amazing and the side trips look like you are really enjoying yourself. I can tell you really appreciated the flea market, all the fresh items look delicious!! Daddy, Marcie and I are wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year, I think it is 5773. Try to call tomorrow (Mon. September 17th around 5 NY time, you may catch us at Aunt Cila's but at least we will be able to speak if we are on the road to Long Island. Anyway, love and miss you and am so glad you are adjusting to life in bella Italy.
