Wednesday, September 26, 2012

School, school, school

Okay, so I know I promised more pictures, but it seems that here in Italy, your professors do not like you taking pictures of them while they teach. How weird is that!??!! So I sadly only have 2 pictures for you and guess what they are of!? FOOD! you got it!

But before that, let me tell you about my classes. I am enjoying them so far, lots and lots of reading, but there are also lots and lots of outside the classroom activities which I think will be really educating and interesting. I did end up dropping my history class because it turned out to be more political than historical and I could not keep up with the professor. But my other 4 classes (psych, sociology, art, and screen writing/literature) are so far so good. I now have 2 classes a day Monday-Thursday that last 2 hours each. And Fridays I am a free woman!

Good news, I booked my flight to Germany with Michele! YAY, so happy to be traveling with her, and we are still waiting to book our trip to Denmark to visit Ms. Becca Webb! Oh how I miss that girl!

Another good news is that I met the kid that I will be babysitting/speaking English to and he is the cutest kid. He is 5 years old and has sort of a longer very blonde hair! His dad is a professional golfer here in Italy so he tells me he wants to be a golfer when he grows up and let me tell you, his swing is bomb! (bomb is a new word that I have been using because my roomies Anne and Elyssa always use it and now I cannot help myself and I end up saying it also, oh well). For a 5 year old, this kid has an awesome swing and he is going to be in a golf tournament in the states in December, so he is probably really good! The parents are so nice, and the boy Giovanni (typical Italian name) is so mature that I think this job is going to go very well. So we shall see and I will keep you updated...and now for the pictures!!

Last night, my roomie Marissa made us all dinner! It was so nice of her to do that and it was delicious!!

This was my break fast meal! I made garlic bread with mixed veggies and some tomato, mozzarella and balsamic! And also a mug (not glass because none were clean) of wine with fruit. YUM, my roomies tried some and they said it was good. It makes me happy when people are happy eating something I cooked! Maybe I am in the wrong degree and I should be a chef? hahaha, nah! I will stick to leisure cooking!

Lastly, side note, today when Giovanni and his mom and I were driving back to their home, there was this little old couple walking across the crosswalk. At first I thought, "this is the most adorable thing ever, an old couple still in love, holding each others hand, taking a stroll".....until 4 minutes later and they were still crossing the street. No joke, it took them almost a minute for every step they took and this cross walk was not long at all. Me and Giovanni's mom looked at each other and just laughed, but it seemed like it was one of those scenes straight out of a movie where someone in a car is in a rush to get somewhere and out of nowhere this old person starts walking across the cross walk for a good 5 minutes, which at that point the person in a rush is either dead or caught by whoever they were running from, but good thing we had all the time in the world, otherwise that old couple might have been road kill. Just kidding!! So enough about my intriguing life here in Italy, I want to know about everyone elses, so please leave a comment or email me your own blog! Love to all, and goodnight!

"You know you must be doing something right if old people like you."

<3 Lauren

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