Friday, October 5, 2012

I know my last post was a week ago but...

So I know its been a week since I last posted and all you dedicated followers are probably freaking out that you cannot read my oh so wonderful blog errrday anymore, but have no fear, I am back, with not toooo much to say, but a lot to fill you in on. Last weekend was spent around the house, cooking, reading for class, and being a bum since it was raining most of the time. Here is some of the dishes I cooked up being cooped up at home:

eggs and potatoes for breakfast

veggies, pizza, and tomato and mozarella

veggies and the rest of my pizza

pasta with oil, zucchini, onions, and garlic

On Monday, I had class. After that I went straight to babysit and then from there went to my friends to book our hostel for Florence! Tuesday brought me more school and babysitting again. Then Wednesday guessed it, class. However I did not babysit that day because Giovanni (that's the boys name I babysit for) had a party at school. So instead my friends and I went out to Old Fashion which is an aperitivo, and the best part is that it is free for us international students! So we ate, hung out, and left for home.

Ann, my roomie, did my makeup, and it was really pretty!

Me and some of my roomies!

Me in my new dress I got here!

Finally, Thursday came along and I had class, and my last class let us out early because he took us to see this garage. Do not ask me why, but supposedly its pertinent to contemporary art, these Italians are koo-koo.
Me going to class on Thursday!

As you all know, Thursday is my new Friday, and I do not have class on Friday. So today (Friday), I got some lunch at school and went grocery shopping with my friend, Jill. After that, I went to babysit, and I worked on English with Giovanni and we played while his mother set up for a party she was having at her home. Everything is going great with the job. Giovanni is really energetic and very mature. I am trying my best to teach him as much as possible, and I really hope it helps! This is right next to Giovanni's home:

 After I got home, I had a big bowl of cereal, which reminded me of home, and I loved it especially because I found Honey Nut Cheerios today!!


After that, I watch some shows and I am getting ready for my trip to Verona tomorrow!! That is where the story Romeo and Juliet took place and where Letters to Juliet was filmed. I am writing a letter to put into the wall there, and I hope someone finds it and answers my note! I am so excited and I will take lots of pictures. All is well here, just lots of reading for school and teaching English! 

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking."

Until tomorrow,
<3 Lauren

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