Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I feel like Michele and Becca, so late on my posts! Oct. 15th - Oct. 25th

So, I know that I have been really bad about posting/updating my blog lately, but I have good reasons for it, I sware! But anyway, enough about being late (it seems to run in the family) and more about my adventures here! So where did I leave off......oh yeah, the week of October 15th. That week, I had classes, babysitting, and some field trips in 2 of my classes! Oh yea, and I met and heard Rutger Hauer talk (if you don't know him, IMDB it, that's what I did). So my first field trip was in my sociology class and we went to Museo di Novecento (Museum of the 19th century). Here are some pictures to ease your wonder:

This has something to do with Milan

These 3 are a series of paintings describing the migration into Milan

This one is just a random one I thought was pretty

Me and my friend Michele!

Some modern art!

A flower

This is on top of the ceiling and its a piece of art, oh how art these days can be literally anything.
This is the view of the Duomo from the museum

And the plaza in front of the Duomo

This architecture is just so unreal!

The next day I got the chance to go to a masterclass with Rutger Hauer who is a Dutch actor who was in movies such as "Blade Runner" and "Batman Begins". He was a bit boring to listen to, but he had some interesting things to day in between the hundreds of curses he was using!

There was a press conference before where journalists and paparazzi were asking questions and taking pictures.

Then there was a more intimate session where he answered students questions.
This is where he was talking. It the museum of cinema!

It was a nice experience to have and I am glad I went. I also got to know my Storytelling professor better and where she has worked in terms of the film industry, which cannot hurt in the long run to know her. My art class had a field trip the next day, but I couldnt take pictures, so sadly no pictures to show! It was just a lot of art that makes you think ALOT! So nothing too important.

That Friday, since I do not have class, I went to lunch with my friend Jill and we decided to walk around Milan a little and have a cooking fest. So we went to the grocery store, got all the stuff we needed and cooked a nice dinner and of course a dessert!

We made brown sugar and garlic chicken, garlic bread, and baked zucchini!

And the best part about the night was that we made Nutella cookies!! YUM!

The next day, Jill and I went to the flea market! YAY. I got so much stuff for 5 euro. I even got 12 bananas for 1 euro 15 cents! It ended up being that I bargained with him by just acting stupid, which was simple enough, so I got alot of bananas and later made banana bread with them! It was the greatest thing ever! Then Jill and I with our friend Anna went shopping around Milan. 
A nice fountain near the shopping center.

We went to this Kilo store where instead of having a price tag on each piece of clothing, you weigh the clothes and it shows you the price from there, which is really cool, however, not as cheap as we thought it would be. It was 80 euro for a SCARF! So we left that store and went to some outlets, which were also really expensive, so we did not buy anything but it was interesting to see the fashion in Milan. I mean its the fashion capital so that was fun to see it. From all our shopping we were really hungry, so we went to, get this......a BAGEL place. It was the first and only bagel place I have seen here. I got a chocolate chip bagel and it was okay, but we all know I am picky with my bagels and I will forever be faithful to NY bagels. 

Walking around there was a series of these creepy things that really are not people but looked like people.

I thought this person was gonna pop up and scare me, but she is fake!

Nice building!

More scary, fake people

The Galleria di Vittoria Emanuele II

An exhibit on the "fast train" that makes it to Rome in 2 hours and 45 minutes. 

A church, what else is new, there seems to be one around every corner!

And Ben and Jerrys!! My first time seeing one in Milan!

The next day, Sunday, I just did some studying and school work and a nice workout. I made my very first omelet here! It was a zucchini and cheese omelet and I made home fries on the side! 

That next week, was more class, working out, and no babysitting because they were away on vacation in Vienna. So I had a lot of time to myself which was nice and I got to hand out with my friend Jill more! And it gave me more time to prepare and pack for FLORENCE! Yes, thats right, I was leaving for Florence that Thursday evening and I was so excited. I planned this trip with my freinds a long time ago and it was finally here. As for the trip....you will hear about it in my other post which will be coming shortly! Now that I have filled you in on the weeks that I have missed, I need to go to sleep!
Keep a look out for my nest post about Florence, you wont be disappointed!

"Been up all night, staring at you. Wondering what's on your mind. I've been this way with so many before, but this feels like the first time." (love this song, check it out)

Love to all and glad everyone is safe from Sandy for the most part,
<3 Lauren 

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