Monday, October 8, 2012

A Beautiful Saturday in Verona

On Saturday I went to Verona with a group of about 30 other people. It was a truly amazing experience. I got to see so many beautiful views from almost everywhere we went to. I got to see the arena, the duomo, a bridge, the castle, and numerous piazzas. I even got to put a letter in a mailbox near Juliets balcony! A little history, Verona is where Romeo and Juliet took place and also where the movie "Letters to Juliet" was filmed. Here are some pictures because words cannot describe the beauty of this place:

Our walk from the train.

The entrance to the main city center!

The arena!

There was a marathon going on the day we were there, so there was a lot of little kids on these steps

A gold drinking fountain!

A creepy mummy person...I was tooo scared to go any closer

The castle!

The entrance into the castle.

I just love castles, I want to live in one.

The amazing view from one of the bridges.

The castle to the right, and an awesome view!
Just another angle


It was just so pretty not to take a hundred pictures of!

The bridge that had a little market on it

Lots of different vendors

Do you see that LOG of cheese!?

OMG! This cracked me up because this guy looked nothing like Michael Jackson, but I thought bout you Mom! Oh and I didn't tell you but the kid I babysit for loves Michael Jackson!

Uhm I thought the statue of liberty was green?

This was shocking at first, but then I figured it out, can you?

People confessing their love! How cute!

Juliets balcony!

Club of Juliet where I put in my letter!

The "lovers balcony"

Really close to the balcony

The floor had love confessions written on them in all different languages, it was adorable.

ME again

This one says "Home is wherever I am with you!" <3

My letter is in that mailbox!

A fountain!

My lunch! A caprese foccacia sandwich!

One of the many piazzas

Even the alleys are pretty!

What a cute pup

One church!

A peek inside since we had to pay to get in!
Me and Catia!

Anna, Catia, Jill and Me

Right after I put my letter in!

The Duomo, a church.

Another castle!!


I wish we could have gone up there!

What a view

The archway of the bridge.

Climbing up to get the best view

Me very happy to be in such a beautiful place

Banana and nutella gelato! The best!
Me and Catia at the top!

Catia, Jill and Me at the top

Utter and complete shock!

This place is beyond beautiful

I was on top of the world


Happy as ever!

My favorite view

Wow, I don't even know what else to say.

As you can tell, this place was the most beautiful place ever and we got really perfect weather for our trip there. Everything was perfect that day, but let me tell you I was so tired after the day was over. We got back on the train at 5:40 and embarked on our 2 hour trip to Central station. I read while everyone else passed out, and when I got home, I cooked some dinner (hamburger and fresh veggies), watched a show, and then went straight to sleep. This place has to be on my top 5 places that I have been so far, and it is a perfect day trip to take. It was bittersweet to see all the love birds and couples and tourists walking around enjoying each others company, and even though I wish my family and friends were there with me, I am glad I got to share it with the new (and hopefully lifetime) friends that I have made here! Tell me your thoughts about Verona, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures even though they do not do this place any justice. If you ever go to see it in person, you will know what I am talking about!

On Sunday I stayed in, did some grocery shopping and lots of reading for school! For dinner, I made risotto and fresh veggies, and ended the night reading for pleasure!

Today, (Monday), I had class and then came back home, did a workout, made dinner (pizza and salad), and then did some reading and researching for a trip to Vienna because "Vienna waits for me!"

Anyway, I am off to go do my last bits of reading and then sleep since I did not get a good sleep last night. Love and miss you all, wish you all could experience the emotions and exquisite beauty of this place called Italia, but until then, goodnight.

"When will you realize, Vienna waits for you."

<3 Lauren

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