Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fabulous, Fantastic, Flavorful Florence DAY 1 Oct. 25th-26th

I am back! And better than ever, ready to tell you all about my journey to the amazing place Italians like to call Firenze! Even just saying the name draws a smile to my face, so to say the least, this trip was absolutely amazing and I think what made it even better was that I went with amazing people! I went with my friends Jill, Evelyna, and Hayley. We all just know how to have a good time, make fun of each other, and constantly laugh! So on Thursday evening, we got onto the train for Florence:

This is Evelyna and Hayley!

And me and Jill! The train was very comfortable, we each had our own table in front of us!
After the 4 hour ride to Florence, we got off, got on a bus, and went to our hostel. We didn't know i we were on the right bus and I asked the bus driver in Italian and he pointed us to the nest bus which was waiting on the side for us to jump in. We got to our hostel, checked in and of course, we had to go get some gelato!

We found a place (it was super cheap) and I got cioccolato (chocolate) and biscotaccio (its like a cookie).
After that, we were very tired, we went back to our hostel, watched Pretty Little Liars (and got real creeped out) and then went to sleep. 

The next morning we slept in until about 10:30 and then got some food before we headed off to the center of the city. I got a zucchini omelet on bread at this cute little cafe. The people spoke some English too, most people in Florence did!!!

After that, we hopped on the bus, got to the center and since we had some time before our FREE walking tour, we just decided to roam around. 

This is the Santa Maria Novella Church

This is a really nice church!

This is the Duomo in Florence!

We stumbled upon a lot of the stuff that we were going to see on our tour also!
So we met with the tour guide and started our tour!

We ended up back at the Duomo! It was soo detailed and intricate!

The Medici family owned this

It is now a library

Another better picture capturing the Duomo

And a close up!

The golden door!

A piazza with a carousel 

The leather markets! That's only some of them

The oldest chocolate shop

A nice view down one of the streets we passed by!
This is the Ponte Vecchio, it means old bridge

The view from the bridge

Me so happy to be in such a lovely place

And to have my good friends there with me!

Another shot off the bridge

There were stores selling jewelry and other expensive things that I could not afford on the bridge

This is a view from a patio looking at the Ponte Vecchio, where we had just crossed!

Our tour guide told us this was the best gelato shop in all of Florence, so of course we got some! I got pear and chocolate, and it was delicious. The owner went to Gelato University in Rome (no joke!)...and I do not know how but I ended up getting the chocolate all over my white coat!

My friends and I with Pinocchio!

The palace of Florence! It was too big to get the whole thing in the picture!
The David! Not the real one because the real one is inside, but this is the one outside and looks exactly like the other one!

A tall pretty building!

Another statue near the David

Me in front of the fountain!

A guy on a horse, and I thought of Michele!

And another horse, so I thought of Meshul again!

We found the pizza place that the Jersey Shore cast worked at!

And of course we had to eat there, we got 2 margherita pizzas and one vegetable pie. It was delish.

We were not supposed to take pictures inside the restaurant, but Evelyna is a big Jersey Shore fan and got a pic with the door that Snooki hide in when she did not want to work.

We also found a Hard Rock Cafe! I so far have seen one in Belgium and Florence

This is the Jersey Shore house in Florence

And this is their door

This was again only part of the leather markets they had there!
We walked around the markets for a while, and tried to bargain with some people, but in the end it started pouring so we got out our umbrellas, made our way to the station, got on the bus, and went back to our hostel. We watched some Jersey Shore episodes while they were in Florence, and then went to bed because we were getting up early the next day for another free tour!! But since I have shown and written so much already, I will be sure to post tomorrow about DAY 2 in Florence, I hope the suspense does not kill you too much! Blog to you all tomorrow! 

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

<3 Lauren

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